Pilgrim Hut No.33 Sukumo
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Running water
Structure is mostly exposed
Water/toilet: find at the small park northeast of the road intersection.

Amenities & Facilities

Running water

Key Distances & Elevations

< 100 m from the main pilgrim path
walking distance< 1 minute
walking distance0 m
walking distance3 m
< 100 m from an alternative pilgrim path
walking distance1 hour 46 minutes
walking distance111 m
walking distance124 m
walking distance6 hours 47 minutes
walking distance584 m
walking distance485 m
578.3 km from pilgrimage start: Temple 1 – Ryozenji
512.0 km to pilgrimage end: Temple 1 – Ryozenji
How are walking times calculated?
Walking times are estimated with a modified approach to Naismith’s rule to account for elevation gains/losses and other practical considerations that require a more conservative bias. The basis of our calculations assumes a speed of 4 kilometers per hour on flat land. Learn more here.


profile pictureWalking AroundMember
August 24, 2024

This hut is very much inside the city and busy over night. Locals come here all night long for a break, a smoke or similar.

So don't sleep here.

profile pictureDon WeissExpert
November 04, 2022

Don’s sleep score: 2

The hut has a roof over a six-meter-wide concrete slab with a partial wall on the street side. Water and toilet across the street. Noisy during the day — I don’t know what it is like at night,

profile pictureStephen .Member
August 09, 2022

General Description:

It is located at the southwest corner of the intersection found upon entering Sukumo after traveling 6 kilometres from Enkoji (T39). (If you follow the westbound route from Ashizuri, you can also go to No.39.)

According to the Henro Hut Association: The site was originally slated to have offices built on it. The community raised funds to buy the land, and turned it into a public facility for pilgrims. A memorial monument engraved with "resident power" is set up next to the hut to commemorate the event.

9/10/2019 Comments:

I walked past it but did not stop. It seemed to be in use, with an Ohenro chatting to (I presume) a couple of locals.

This hut is located on the eastern edge of Central Sukumo. It is bounded by an arterial road a few metres to the north and Highway 56 about 80 metres to the south. To the west is the built up area of the city comprised of houses and commercial buildings. It would be a bright and potentially noisy place at night.

The hut is large with circular bench seating. It is fully open to the south but is shielded on the remaining sides by half height walls.

A large range of facilities are available nearby, including Oida private hospital which is less than 200m away.

location image of Pilgrim Hut No.33 Sukumo
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